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Blog - Coaches

What is the essence of coaching?

I’ve got this big idea. It involves articulating coaching and then training it at scale. Why? Well at the most basic level, I believe that if I know something will make a massive difference, it would be unethical not to share it But first I have to articulate coaching.…

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coach supervision sessions

What do I do as a coach when I've used up all of my tools?

The Power of Coach Supervision Sessions “We only have two sessions left and I’m no closer to achieving the outcomes I’m being paid for.” Jeremy said. Jeremy is an experienced coach, with the grey hair and wrinkles of a life well lived. He’s been coaching since…

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To what extent are coach supervisors lifeguards?

Hope you've been enjoying Helen's TCD community Zoom calls during lockdown. The one on coach supervision prompted this question about lifeguarding being a possible metaphor for coach supervision. The idea is a little frivolous perhaps, inviting an initial answer of  'no'.…

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Confessions of a supervisor

Confessions of a supervisor

Confessions of a supervisor I must confess, when I am supervising groups of coaches I sometimes come away somewhat disappointed.  All too often the coaches come from one of two stances.  They either come in 'lazy mode', where they haven't reflected on their own work but…

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Once upon a time...

As coaches we need to build a strong working alliance with our clients so that they trust us and feel safe to be vulnerable and explore aspects of themselves that they may have been unwilling or afraid to examine or that they were unaware of.  When we show genuine empathy,…

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Dr Joan van den Brink

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow

By Dr Joan van den Brink In coaching situations it’s easy to experience some performance anxiety; we want to do a great job and help our clients to unlock solutions to whatever personal situation they have come to us to resolve.  I have found myself wanting to be the…

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