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Are you a professional coach?

Blog - Coaches

Is your coach or mentor following the Global Code of Ethics ?

As a practicing, professional coach and mentor the importance of working within the framework of the Global Code of Ethics cannot be understated.

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Newly Qualified Coach Supervision

Does a newly qualified coach need supervision?

Newly Qualified Coach Supervision? It is totally understandable that many newly qualified coaches lose confidence post qualification. Following the high of passing the rigour of their coaching assessment, pouring their hearts into reading, essay writing and the stress of the…

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Career Coach

Should we career coach women and men differently?

It has become clear in this past year of crisis that women need support more than ever. How can we as a career coach make a difference to our female clients if we don’t coach women differently from men? Just in the past week I have coached several women who were…

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If you were really, really confident, how would you be?

Recognising it’s tough out there and that confidence is down, I’ve been running weekly sessions on Zoom about how to protect your confidence in tricky times. So how do you be really confident? I believe confidence is the lifeblood of one’s business and, when it’s…

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Ideas for Coach Supervision content: Objectivity and Evasiveness

Can we use more than instinct in a real-time conversation?  If not instinct, lots of different perspectives suggests to me that my analytical brain might whirr all the more from juggling all the possibilities and impact my listening.

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Mindful Reflection

Who is the world calling you to be?

What a year 2020 has been!  How do we begin to find purpose and meaning in a year which, on the surface, has brought so much uncertainly, chaos and anxiety to so many people around the globe? It is easy to look back and be grateful for the times that bring joy and…

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How can you improve your Leadership Development Programme?

Find out by taking this quick audit x