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Blog - Coaches

Do coaches help change behaviour or personality?

By Roy Childs PhD. Most coaches subscribe to the received wisdom that ‘coaches help change behaviour, NOT personality’. But this is based on certain assumptions that may not be entirely valid – one is practical and the other is ethical: The practical element is…

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ACDC – How to Maximise the Impact of Psychometric Feedback

You may like to consider what people find useful about any feedback, but this blog, written by Roy Childs PhD. is specifically about psychometric profile feedback. What I hear people say is: Me:        ‘How useful was the psychometric feedback…

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New Coaching & Mentoring Survey

A new survey intended as a barometer on coaching and mentoring in UK organisations has found that, whilst coaching and mentoring is becoming established in many organisations as a learning and development intervention, there is still a long way to go before it's potential…

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What kind of coach supervision support are you seeking?

Like coaching, supervision can come in a variety of forms. These days I try to be clear about my qualifications and humble enough to express that I’m just one individual, feeling inspired to help other individuals in their development journey in using coaching skills. I…

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What is Team Coaching SUPERvision?

After initially defining SUPERvision and Team Coaching, this article shares both the importance of SUPERvision for Team Coaches, as well as distinctions between SUPERvision for Coaches who coach one-on-one or in groups. What is SUPERvision? Originating in the fields of therapy…

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Dr Brene Brown

Can your vulnerability as a coach get in your clients way?

Dr Brene Brown (2013) writes that ‘‘being’ rather than 'knowing' requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen’. Brown goes on to say ‘it requires us to dare greatly, to be vulnerable. To be vulnerable one needs the courage to surface and voice vulnerability’.…

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