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Blog - Coaches

Cracking the Code: How to use SEO to expand your coaching practice

Discover how to use SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for your coaching business, including our top 3 tips to get you started.

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Keep It Simple Stupid

I am sure you have heard of the KISS model.  It’s been around for at least a quarter of a century to my knowledge and in this blog post, Steve Mills talks about why most coaches do the complicated stuff that does not work as opposed to the SSTW (simple stuff that works).

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Roy Childs

Am I what I say or what I do – Being versus Doing by Roy Childs

My Divinity teacher (yes, they did used to exist) was renowned for picking out individual pupils and saying in a loud stern voice ‘Boy! If you act like an odious buffoon you will become an odious buffoon!’ He was clearly a psychologist in the behaviourist tradition. But this…

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How friendly can you be as a coach with a coachee?

Not for the first time this came up recently in supervision where I was the responsible supervisor. Would you go to dinner with a client? I wouldn’t generally but I admit I have (with a supervisee) and maybe this does help me to maintain perspective. As the cliché advises,…

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The Coaching Business Builders

Having a coaching business is a people sport. Working as a coach supporting people every day can bring great meaning to our working lives. The pros are that it’s your business and this business can be built to enact your personal purpose. You can be in control of the game! The…

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How to challenge what I believe about myself

By Roy Childs PhD. This blog is describing a powerful way to help people learn about themselves through feedback. We know that feedback from others is one of the main ways that we learn about ourselves. It is like a mirror that can help to dispel some of our myths and…

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How can you improve your Leadership Development Programme?

Find out by taking this quick audit x