var ajaxurl = 'admin-ajax.html';
You’d be amazed I always am. It’s incredible what clients do with a button. All of a sudden the button takes on a persona, an emotion, a hurt, a meaning, a frustration. It can be tapped, and stroked, rubbed between thumb and fingers. It can be held up close and it can…
read more05/11/2018
The essence of supervision; a coach's perspective: The start of a journey Nearly ten years ago, I actively decided from day one of my coach training that I would invest in coach supervision to support my journey. At the time I didn’t really understand what I was signing up…
read more10/10/2018
People long to be heard by others, yet listening in a way that ensures that the speaker feels understood is hard to do and rarely encountered. Why is that? The riposte, ‘you are not listening to me!’ often comes when an individual has expressed negative feelings about…
read more08/06/2018
There is no doubt that automation, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) herald a massive change for our society. Apple’s 2014 financial forecast included a $10.5 billion investment in supply chain robots & machinery to do tasks such as polishing the plastic case on…
read more23/04/2018
Often a coach considering Supervision asks what will I get from this investment? Here with the kind permission of one of my coaches is an extract and insight into Supervision. Context: This coach client had received a present from a friend. The present is a sculpture called…
read more08/10/2017
In a rapidly expanding coaching sector when you provide a similar service to your coaching colleagues, what is your unique selling point? How do YOU stand out from the crowd? The answer is – use the media! Follow these fives easy steps recommended by our PR expert Tracy…
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