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Are you a professional coach?


Thoughts from our expert coaches

The power of re-framing perspectives about beliefs!

One of the many artful skills of being a coach is supporting our client’s to shift their disempowering perspectives into more empowering ones!  There are always so many and varied ways of re-framing perspectives: different stories, beliefs and experiences we can choose to…

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Well-being is ‘being well’

Well-being is a current popular topic - ‘trending’, with increasing recognition that personal energy is a finite resource and dis-ease is not a random name but a description of a symptom, a visible sign from our body that all is not well within it.  This suggests that we…

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Career Direction

Frank the Frog and your Career Direction

Many years ago, Mike the Mentor as he is still known, told me that if a frog (let's call him Frank) is placed in a saucepan of hot water it will leap out of it; which seemed very sensible to me. However, if the frog was placed in cold water and the water is slowly brought up…

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Dr Brene Brown

Can your vulnerability as a coach get in your clients way?

Dr Brene Brown (2013) writes that ‘‘being’ rather than 'knowing' requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen’. Brown goes on to say ‘it requires us to dare greatly, to be vulnerable. To be vulnerable one needs the courage to surface and voice vulnerability’.…

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Is your coach or mentor following the Global Code of Ethics ?

As a practicing, professional coach and mentor the importance of working within the framework of the Global Code of Ethics cannot be understated.

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What will make employees stay?

Encouraging managers to hold stay, or retention, interviews with employees is the latest tool in the war to retain talent (FT. March 22).  The logic is sound.  Catch employees before they have another job offer and have mentally moved on.  It’s an opportunity to find out…

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