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Are you a professional coach?


Thoughts from our expert coaches

What kind of coach supervision support are you seeking?

Like coaching, supervision can come in a variety of forms. These days I try to be clear about my qualifications and humble enough to express that I’m just one individual, feeling inspired to help other individuals in their development journey in using coaching skills. I…

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What is Team Coaching SUPERvision?

After initially defining SUPERvision and Team Coaching, this article shares both the importance of SUPERvision for Team Coaches, as well as distinctions between SUPERvision for Coaches who coach one-on-one or in groups. What is SUPERvision? Originating in the fields of therapy…

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Four mistakes to avoid when it comes to workplace wellbeing

If you’re responsible for looking after people at work, I’m sure workplace wellbeing hasn’t been far from your mind over the last two years. And as a wellbeing coach and workplace psychologist, I know it’s been an urgent priority for organisations everywhere, as they…

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What's the difference between Systemic Team Coaching and regular Team Coaching?

Using the system not just talking about it. Why is Systemic Team coaching more valuable to change programmes than regular team coaching? I believe it’s because the system and its key players are invited to the process to input and respond to the team coaching. The…

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Holding your ground without losing your rag

However senior you are in an organisation there will be times when you find yourself in conversations with others who are critical of you or your staff or want you to make changes you’re unhappy about. These are some of the approaches I discuss with coachees who are facing…

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Personal Branding

Personal Branding - How do others see you?

Personal Branding You enter a BRAND new world when you leave a company and your job, often at a timing not of your choosing. A key aspect to getting that next successful career move is 'personal branding'. Branding is a mix of how you portray yourself and how others see you.…

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