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Are you a professional coach?


Thoughts from our expert coaches

Dave Stitt

The four legs of my sturdy table by Dave Stitt

I’ve come to understand that my business has four pillars, writes Dave Stitt. Metaphorically speaking, they’re the four legs of a table that can hold the weight of my customers’ aspirations. The four legs are 1) my mindset, 2) marketing, 3) value pricing and 4)…

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coach supervision sessions

What do I do as a coach when I've used up all of my tools?

The Power of Coach Supervision Sessions “We only have two sessions left and I’m no closer to achieving the outcomes I’m being paid for.” Jeremy said. Jeremy is an experienced coach, with the grey hair and wrinkles of a life well lived. He’s been coaching since…

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natural way to change

The natural way to change – become more of who you are

The natural way to change – become more of who you are A professional coach will interrupt your story, but not your thinking. That’s because coaching is a partnership between the coach and you, the thinker, with the aim being to explore new thinking. New thinking is…

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To what extent are coach supervisors lifeguards?

Hope you've been enjoying Helen's TCD community Zoom calls during lockdown. The one on coach supervision prompted this question about lifeguarding being a possible metaphor for coach supervision. The idea is a little frivolous perhaps, inviting an initial answer of  'no'.…

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Why culture matters

Why culture matters

Many of our coaching clients are working for international companies or interact with colleagues, partners and clients from around the world. Some of them might have moved to this country from abroad and are finding their way in a UK working environment. Some of the issues…

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Mental Well-Being

Change Your Perspectives, Change Your Experiences for Mental Well-Being

Change Your Perspectives, Change Your Experiences for Mental Well-Being During this uncertain time of the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be beneficial to learn practices to support our mental well-being by focusing on what we can control rather than the things we cannot. And…

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