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Thoughts from our expert coaches
Often a coach considering Supervision asks what will I get from this investment? Here with the kind permission of one of my coaches is an extract and insight into Supervision. Context: This coach client had received a present from a friend. The present is a sculpture called…
read more22/01/2018
This is the first of a short series of case studies on real coaching situations and how they have helped my coachees (sometimes called the players) create an action-orientation which will drive sustainable change and, of course, a step-up in their performance. In this case I…
read more08/10/2017
In a rapidly expanding coaching sector when you provide a similar service to your coaching colleagues, what is your unique selling point? How do YOU stand out from the crowd? The answer is – use the media! Follow these fives easy steps recommended by our PR expert Tracy…
read more15/05/2017
Can you recommend a good coach? Any professional sportsman or woman worth their salt works with a coach. Not because they have a problem, but because they want to excel at their sport, to be the best they can be. It’s the same in business. Senior Executives, leaders and…
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