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Blog - Leadership

Leadership Mindset

Leading During a Crisis: Leadership Mindset and Skills

The various recent crises have put leadership and the leadership mindset under the spotlight around the world, from heads of state to business and public health leaders, we are all debating and assessing the quality of leadership we are experiencing. In April 2020, just as…

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VUCA world

How to lead effectively in a VUCA world

The turbulence of change is so commonplace these days that the business world has adopted the label VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous - from the military, who originally coined the term to describe the conditions they were facing in places like…

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future of hybrid working

The future of hybrid working

The future of hybrid working There’s a lot of comment about returning to the office, and depending on who you are talking to, more or less enthusiasm.  Conversations, media and academic commentary reveal a mixed picture: Opinions seem to vary across and between…

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Return on Investment vs Return on Expectations... which is right when evaluating coaching or leadership development?

Many moons ago when I was completing my CIPD qualifications I wrote a Management report called “Beyond the Happy Sheet” in which I explored how training and coaching is evaluated in the workplace. A chance conversation at the Trusted Coach Directory about Return on…

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Leadership Workout

Leadership Workout: 6 Ways to Develop your Leadership Muscles - without going to the gym!

Leadership Workout: 6 Ways to Develop your Leadership Muscles - without going to the gym! “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle People get better when they practice. We’ve all heard the phrase “Practice makes…

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Why Purpose Matters Now More Than Ever…

There is a reason purpose matters more today than ever. On August 19th, 2019, 181 businesses in the US as part of the Business Roundtable[1] signed up to a new definition of the ‘purpose of the corporation’. At that time Jamie Dimon, chairman of J.P Morgan Chase said,…

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