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Blog - Coach Development

A Personal Reflection - Becoming MCC and Letting Go Of My PCC Coaching

To me, MCC is about “being” – who you “be”, and becoming – who you are becoming, beginning to be.

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Roy Childs

Am I what I say or what I do – Being versus Doing by Roy Childs

My Divinity teacher (yes, they did used to exist) was renowned for picking out individual pupils and saying in a loud stern voice ‘Boy! If you act like an odious buffoon you will become an odious buffoon!’ He was clearly a psychologist in the behaviourist tradition. But this…

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How to challenge what I believe about myself

By Roy Childs PhD. This blog is describing a powerful way to help people learn about themselves through feedback. We know that feedback from others is one of the main ways that we learn about ourselves. It is like a mirror that can help to dispel some of our myths and…

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Do coaches help change behaviour or personality?

By Roy Childs PhD. Most coaches subscribe to the received wisdom that ‘coaches help change behaviour, NOT personality’. But this is based on certain assumptions that may not be entirely valid – one is practical and the other is ethical: The practical element is…

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ACDC – How to Maximise the Impact of Psychometric Feedback

You may like to consider what people find useful about any feedback, but this blog, written by Roy Childs PhD. is specifically about psychometric profile feedback. What I hear people say is: Me:        ‘How useful was the psychometric feedback…

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Career Coach

Should we career coach women and men differently?

It has become clear in this past year of crisis that women need support more than ever. How can we as a career coach make a difference to our female clients if we don’t coach women differently from men? Just in the past week I have coached several women who were…

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