Comments on: What can a box of buttons do for your client? Your competitive edge for success Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:11:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karyn Prentice Wed, 20 Feb 2019 23:17:28 +0000 Dear Lucy
I work with the 5 seasons as a metaphor for connecting to Nature’s cycle and our own cycles. Each season has its own particular flavour and purpose- Spring begins new possibilities, seeding ideas and plans, the rush of energy, Summer when there is a ripening and maturing, late Summer, a time of harvest what is already good and savouring and appreciating and really seeing the abundance, Autumn when pruning, and cutting back help to create new growth for the next Spring and allows for a necessary letting go and, finally, winter when we develop our reflective side, get inspired by taking time to go to a still place for inner wisdom. Clients love the idea that, like nature, we return to each season and its own beauty and the questions that fit so well in these seasons can help to ponder on where one is in choices in life, work, and purpose. I had an article on this in Coaching at Work magazine just before we presented this work at the Conference last summer, I can send you a copy of you get in touch.

By: Lucy Tulloch Wed, 13 Feb 2019 10:34:49 +0000 I really loved reading your article. I think there is so much value in sharing these creative approaches to helping clients. I have a client who wants to change career and do something completely different but is struggling to see the answers. She loves writing. I was wondering if there were any pearls of wisdom on how I could invite her to use her writing skills to help provide her with clarity about the future. A letter to her future self is one approach but I was wondering if there were any other ideas out there! I am in need of inspiration today!
